Timeline of the Holy Bible in History

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2067 BC - The Destruction of Sodom

2054 BC - Abraham Offering of Isaac

1812 BC - possible date for birth of Abraham

1513 BC - 1527 BC - possible date for birth of Moses (not fixed in the Bible)

1446 BC - The Exodus Begins, Moses Receives the Commandments

1406 BC - The Death of Moses

1070 BC - Philistines steal the Ark and later return it

1035 BC - 1040 BC - relative date for birth of King David

1024 BC - David Kills Goliath

993 BC - David and Bathsheba

966 BC - God's covenant with Solomon

931 BC - Solomon's Death

586 BC - The Fall of Jerusalem

6 BC - Birth of John the Baptist

AD 8 - The Boy Jesus at the Temple

AD 26 - AD 36 - Pontius Pilate served as the Roman prefect of Judea

AD 29 - AD 30 - possible date of crucifixion (on a Friday) and subsequent Resurrection

AD 380 - significant step in conversion of Roman Empire to Christianity

AD 476 - last Roman emperor of the west, Romulus Augustulus, was deposed

AD 1453 - fall of Byzantine Empire after an Ottoman army stormed Constantinople

AD 1611 - The King James Bible is published