Expose of Highway Behemoths

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Welcome to the highway arms race where human lives have become collateral damage, fossil fuel dependency a reality and safety an illusion. Keith Bradsher has written an excellent book that is a thought provoking look at SUV's and an alarming wake up call for automotive safety. Any considerate and caring human will benefit from reading this book.

Keith Bradsher, the Detroit bureau chief for The New York Times from 1996 to 2001 has done those who do give a hoot about our environment, care about human safety, and want to reduce dependency on fossil fuels a great service with this book. The title, “High and Mighty: SUVs--The World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way” is available at Amazon as well as many other book retailers.

SUV popularity is growing rapidly in the United States as a status symbol and macho off road machine that suddenly no one can live without, despite the fact that the U.S. Highway system has never been more advanced and well maintained. Keith Bradsher has invested years researching and writing this book, bringing to light facts people need to know.

Exposed in “High and Mighty: SUVs--The World's Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way” are details such as:

  • SUV's lurked from beneath a long history of special deals, regulatory loopholes, and subsidies for the automotive industry.
  • SUV's fail to protect the driver and passenger as well as posing a deadly threat to others on the road.
  • Federal loopholes have created an SUV gold mine for the automotive industry.
  • Auto manufactures have ignored years of verified safety research and created vehicles deliberately designed to look boxy, macho and frightening.
  • SUV's fail to absorb crash energy or to crumple as they should, they can ram into other motorists and shock their own occupants' bodies.
  • SUV's have reversed the trend towards more environmentally friendly emissions standards.
  • Automakers have purposely worked to block needed legislation on pollution reductions, including emissions of carbon dioxide, which causes global warming. If you feel you “need” your SUV, this book will help you re-evaluate this false notion. If you are thinking about buying an SUV, save some money and buy this book instead. If you just don't care, then realize that eventually a better informed public will lead to SUV's becoming so politically incorrect that it will no longer be a status symbol and rather an embarrassment to own or drive one.posted by: Lisa (Lazygirl)