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Image Editing Software for Linux

616 bytes added, 02:23, 20 November 2023
/* ImageMagick */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
The cache folder on my solid state drive (/dev/mapper/mint--vg-root) would fill up causing ImageMagick to crash on really big files, so I set the cache path to another drive with more space.The cache folder on my solid state drive ([[/dev/mapper]]/linux--vg-root) would fill up causing ImageMagick to crash on really big files, so I set the cache path to another drive with more space.Example, there are 32 images captured on an iPhone.  The user wants the edges top, bottom, left, and right tripped off of all 32 images in the same way.  Using gimp we determine the size the images will be after cropping, which will be 506 x 692 and we determine the x and y coordinate of the top left part where the first pixel is that we want to keep.  To process all 32 images at once we type: mogrify -crop 509x692+128+288 *.PNGIn this example, the resulting cropped image will be 509x692 and we started at the first pixel in the upper left 128 x 288.  mogrify -crop {Width}x{Height}+{X}+{Y} image.png