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509 bytes added, 00:44, 26 March 2021
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An example: aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wavAn example which specifies a particular sound card aplay -D hw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wavto access the first device on the first soundcard/device, you would use hw:0,0to access the first device on the second soundcard/device, you would use hw:1,0to access the second device on the third soundcard/device, you would use hw:2,1The example we used is only showing capture devices.  It is more common to see some devices ending in 'p' and 'c' both.The example we used is only showing capture devices.  It is more common to see some devices ending in 'p' and 'c' both. The pcm devices (physical I/O channels) are represented in ALSA starting at pcm0c (capture), pcm0p (playback).