Data Sorting in VB6

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Sorting Algorithms

# Bogosort
# Bubble sort # Very fast for lists that are almost sorted, slow sorting anything else.
# Cocktail sort
# Comb sort
# Selection sort # Simple and fast on small lists, slow on big lists
# Insertion sort
# Bucket sort
# Counting sort # Extremely fast when the data is distributed over a small number range. Number only. Requires more memory.
# Heapsort
# Smoothsort
# Merge sort
# Quicksort
# Binary tree sort
# Pigeonhole sort
# Radix sort
# Shell sort

Sorts -w- Examples


 ' min and max are the minimum and maximum indexes
 ' of the items that might still be out of order.
 Sub BubbleSort (List() As Long, ByVal min As Integer, _
     ByVal max As Integer)
 Dim last_swap As Integer
 Dim i As Integer
 Dim j As Integer
 Dim tmp As Long
     ' Repeat until we are done.
     Do While min < max
         ' Bubble up.
         last_swap = min - 1
         ' For i = min + 1 To max
         i = min + 1
         Do While i <= max
             ' Find a bubble.
             If List(i - 1) > List(i) Then
                 ' See where to drop the bubble.
                 tmp = List(i - 1)
                 j = i
                     List(j - 1) = List(j)
                     j = j + 1
                     If j > max Then Exit Do
                 Loop While List(j) < tmp
                 List(j - 1) = tmp
                 last_swap = j - 1
                 i = j + 1
                 i = i + 1
             End If
         ' Update max.
         max = last_swap - 1
         ' Bubble down.
         last_swap = max + 1
         ' For i = max - 1 To min Step -1
         i = max - 1
         Do While i >= min
             ' Find a bubble.
             If List(i + 1) < List(i) Then
                 ' See where to drop the bubble.
                 tmp = List(i + 1)
                 j = i
                     List(j + 1) = List(j)
                     j = j - 1
                     If j < min Then Exit Do
                 Loop While List(j) > tmp
                 List(j + 1) = tmp
                 last_swap = j + 1
                 i = j - 1
                 i = i - 1
             End If
         ' Update min.
         min = last_swap + 1
 End Sub

quicksort (and remove duplicates)

This program sorts a list using a standard quicksort algorithm. See the code for how the algorithm works.

Then if you have the Remove Dupes option selected, the program removes duplicates. It scans through the sorted array, comparing each item to the one before it. If the item is different, it copies the item into a new array.

 Public Function RemoveDups(strings() As String) As String()
 Dim old_i As Integer
 Dim last_i As Integer
 Dim result() As String
     ' Make the result array.
     ReDim result(1 To UBound(strings))
     ' Copy the first item into the result array.
     result(1) = strings(1)
     ' Copy the other items
     last_i = 1
     For old_i = 2 To UBound(strings)
         If result(last_i) <> strings(old_i) Then
             last_i = last_i + 1
             result(last_i) = strings(old_i)
         End If
     Next old_i
     ' Remove unused entries from the result array.
     ReDim Preserve result(1 To last_i)
     ' Return the result array.
     RemoveDups = result
 End Function

Quicksort is a fine general purpose sorting algorithm. For different kinds of data, however, it may not be the fastest or the best. For example, it has trouble sorting lists that contain many duplicate values and the algorithm countingsort is much faster at sorting numeric data.

  • Keep in mind that you cannot use countingsort to sort strings.
