Unix Password Manager

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the unix password manager

You can store an organize your passwords in encrypted format and organized in a hierarchy of user defined categories and depth or as a flat simple schema.


see all the existing passwords in the store:


show passwords: (foo is the name of the site or reference tied to a password)

pass foo

for a site or reference within a category

pass catname/foo

copy the password directly to the clipboard

pass -c foo

generate new passwords via urandom

pass generate foo 8

remove site or reference password

pass rm foo

initial setup

pass uses gnupg2, which does not share it's keyring with gnupg

You will need gpg key generated, public and private.

With the key available the command format for pass will look something like this example. Replace the username and the sample key 0123456789ABCDEF with yours from .gnupg/pubring.kbx or wherever yours is stored.

pass init "nicolep 0123456789ABCDEF"
pass init nicolep


When copying the password to the clipboard with -c parameter, the clipboard should be cleared of the password after 45 seconds. It is noted on some distributions the password does not get cleared from the clipboard.

gpg2 key import format may be incorrect. looking at revision of proper initialization technique. reference documentation man pass

If pass is not installed you can get it from apt repository for debain/ubuntu (also in yum for redhat distros)

apt install pass

if you have generated keys with gpg you can check if exists

gpg --list-keys
gpg --list-secret-keys

The default location of gpg keyring is usually in a format like this path (although could be anywhere):


Don't have a gpg key?

gpg --gen-key
gpg --export -a nicolep > public.key
gpg --export-secret-key -a "nicolep" > private.key
gpg --import public.key
gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private.key

Add gpg key to gpg2 import process. You can generate or import with gnupg2. To import here is an example:

gpg2 --import private.key
gpg2 --edit-key nicolep