Consumer Geiger Counter
- Dosimeter - only useful after you are already exposed to lethal does of radiation. Useless for food safety.
- Geiger -
- pancake tube - 2 inch GM pancake tube
- thin mica Alpha window
Potassium-rich food that have natural occurring radiation from Potassium 40 found in dried bananas chips and salt substitutes. That radiation presence can be detected with the Inspector Alert and Onyx meters. Do a time test for 12 hours of detection.
Nai Scintillation Crystal versus Geiger Mueller Tube
This needs to be verified, info from source selling Nai Scintillation Crystal type detectors. Are they really better?
Geiger Mueller Tube based meters are affordable but only limited in usefulness. Better than nothing! Source says not useful.
GM (Geiger Mueller) based Geiger counters will usually be inadequate for detection of radiation in food and water.
G Explorer Nai Crystal is much better also very expensive.
To locate and identify if there is radiation in food, measurement is best performed by super sensitive Nai scintillation crystal radiation monitor.
Geiger Mueller Tubes
LND-712 tube - sensitive but fragile
Old Meters
CDV-700 - used by hospitals. can be used to check food and water. CDV-700 is literally 1000 times more sensitive than it's ion chamber counterpart. Geiger counters measure general contamination including beta and alpha particles in terms of CPM (counts per minute) and measure high energy level ionizing radiation like gamma and X-rays in terms of milliroentgens per hour (mR/hr), Roentgens per hour (R/hr), micro Sieverts per hour, etc. the CDV 700 unit uses a Geiger tube, housed in the detachable chrome wand.
high dollar advanced meters
Ludlum Instruments model 3 Geiger counter with a 44-9 probe - used by U.S. government
LND 7311 pancake-style Geiger-Mueller tub - used by U S Government Mazur PRM-9000
Radex 1503 Radex RD1503+ Soeks meters
Civil Defense radiation monitors are not Geiger Counters. They use Ion Chamber detection which are designed to only register lethal or near-lethal doses of radiation. CDV models 710, 715, 717, 720 are not Geiger Counters.
about radiation
There are four primary types of ionizing radiation – alpha, beta and gamma radiation as well as x-radiation (x-rays).
alpha particle can travel no more than one to three inches in the air before stopping, and can be stopped by a piece of paper. However, they can pass through a thin mica window. mica is very important in radiation measurements.
Beta particles can damage skin, however, both alpha and beta radiation are most harmful when inhaled or ingested.
Japan Assholes Nuked Our Ocean!
Hotspots of cesium-137, as high as 40,000 becquerels per kilogram, are detected in seabed depressions1.6 km off the coast. Japan has set 500 becquerels per kilogram in food as the maximum allowed. People may ingest cesium-137 with food and water, or may inhale it as dust. Like all radionuclides, exposure to radiation from cesium-137 results in increased risk of cancer.
In 2012, 100% of bluefin tuna tested in California showed positive for cesium directly associated with Fukushima.