Great Zionist Conspiracy

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The Zionist Conspiracy is a belief that a group known as the Zionist Illuminati control U.S. politics and world affairs by possession of most of the world's wealth and financial transactions. The theory is widely considered Anti-Semitic by mainstream Americans. However, the belief in a Jewish controlled national monetary system has been gaining traction in both the United States and Europe. It is supported by statistics showing those controlling much of the banking and media having Jewish lineage. This coincidence has given the conspiracists some traction in their wild assertions.

The Illuminati is also known as The New World Order and relates to the belief that the "Zionist Jews" are trying to create a One World Government. This may also have ties to the Masons and other groups as part of the vast conspiracy. The conspiracy involves multiple variants of different scope and agenda with the common denominator being a group of controlling class Jews.

Conspiracists also believe that manipulation of citizens of the United States has been taking place for over 100 years by use of Religion. They believe that The Scofield Bible was intentionally created as an instrument to corrupt the Bible in a way that is favorable to Zionist Jews. Inconsistencies in this belief based on the date of publication of the Scofield Bible and the establishment of the State of Israel damages the credibility of the claim.