Operators Reference Java

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Relational Operators 

Operator Use            Description
>       op1 > op2       Returns true if op1 is greater than op2
>=      op1 >= op2      Returns true if op1 is greater than or equal to op2
<       op1 < op2       Returns true if op1 is less than op2
<=      op1 <= op2      Returns true if op1 is less than or equal to op2
==      op1 == op2      Returns true if op1 and op2 are equal
!=      op1 != op2      Returns true if op1 and op2 are not equal

Conditional Operators 

Operator Use            Description
&&      op1 && op2      Returns true if op1 and op2 are both true; conditionally 
                        evaluates op2
||      op1 || op2      Returns true if either op1 or op2 is true; conditionally 
                        evaluates op2
!       !op             Returns true if op is false
&       op1 & op2       Returns true if op1 and op2 are both boolean and both 
                        true; always evaluates op1 and op2; if both operands are 
                        numbers, performs bitwise AND operation
|       op1 | op2       Returns true if both op1 and op2 are boolean and either 
                        op1 or op2 is true; always evaluates op1 and op2; if 
                        both operands are numbers, performs bitwise inclusive OR 
^       op1 ^ op2       Returns true if op1 and op2 are different — that is, if 
                        one or the other of the operands, but not both, is true

Shift Operators

Operator  Use           Description
<<      op1 << op2      Shifts bits of op1 left by distance op2; fills with 0 
                        bits on the right side
>>      op1 >> op2      Shifts bits of op1 right by distance op2; fills with 
                        highest (sign) bit on the left side
>>>     op1 >>> op2     Shifts bits of op1 right by distance op2; fills with 
                        0 bits on the left side

Logical Operators 

Operator  Use           Operation
&       op1 & op2       Bitwise AND if both operands are numbers; conditional 
                        AND if both operands are boolean
|       op1 | op2       Bitwise OR if both operands are numbers; conditional
                        OR if both operands are boolean
^       op1 ^ op2       Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)
~       ~op             Bitwise complement

The Bitwise AND Function

Bit in op1     Corresponding
               Bit in op2    Result   
0              0              0
0              1              0
1              0              0
1              1              1

The Bitwise Inclusive OR Function 

Bit in op1     Corresponding Bit in op2
0      0       0
0      1       1
1      0       1
1      1       1

The Bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) Function 

Bit in op1     Corresponding Bit in
op2    Result
0      0       0
0      1       1
1      0       1
1      1       0