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MythTV Hardware- Hauppauge USB Live-2

1,182 bytes added, 06:58, 19 February 2015
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Now with picture and sound.   Now it is with picture and sound.    == more testing with mplayer ==It is useful to create a configuration file for mplayer with the defaults you use for your USB Live-2.  Create or edit the mplayer config file.  It is typically located at: /home/username/.mplayer where "username" is your username for mythtv.  Mythbuntu creates an empty file for you.  You can edit it. vi ~/.mplayer/config Add the following to your config file (including the comment text that is already present). # Write your default config options here! [] zoom = yes vo = x11 tv = "driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:norm=NTSC" monitoraspect = "4:3"Customize to suite your system config.  Now you don't have to specify command line parameters when running mplayer.  Start mplayer to view from your USB source: mplayer tv://gnome-mplayer does not accept some of the same command line switches as mplayer.  It wont accept norm=NTSC.If you have the ~/.mplayer/config configured for mplayer it will be used by gnome-mplayer also.  You will need to do this because gnome-mplayer won't accept the -tv switch from the command line and will also try to default to PAL.  Now launch gnome-mplayer: gnome-mplayer tv:// You may get prompted to "Resume Playback of Video X input at 0:00" - say "no." Now you can use gnome-mplayer gui frontend for mplayer as well as mplayer command line to get video and sound from the Hauppauge USB Live-2.