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Samsung SC-MX20R Digital Camcorder

596 bytes added, 04:39, 10 April 2015
/* Aspect Ratio Issue */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
This fix does not work well, produces a much larger file.  Re-encodes is lossy and inefficient.DAR: For US sold models, the ratio should be 40:33.  Another source says NTSC widescreen is 864x480, which means the proper ratio for NTSC widescreen video should be 864:720, which simplifies to 54:45.  mp4box and use this batch file : @ECHO OFF :LOOP "E:\Program Files\Yamb\mp4box.exe" -par 1=54:45 %1 SHIFT IF [%1]==[] GOTO END GOTO LOOP :ENDReplace the path to mp4box as appropriate. Then just drag and drop files to be fixed onto the bat file.source: