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Linux Console Text Editors

1,448 bytes added, 18:21, 22 February 2019
/* vim */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
=== ed ===An editor for UNIX written in PDP-11/20 assembler in 1971 by Ken Thompson.  Now there is GUN-ed for Linux.  ed is a line-oriented text editor. It is used to create, display, modify and otherwise manipulate text files. red is a restricted ed: it can only edit files in the current directory and cannot execute shell commands.  === elvis ===A clone of the vi editor written by Steve Kirkendall and distributed under the Clarified Artistic License.  Elvis is the version of vi that comes with Slackware, Frugalware, KateOS, and MINIX 3. Elvis recognizes binary files, as well and provides a split screen for editing them.  === jed ===Menu driven editor for text terminal.  JED runs on Windows, MS-DOS, and all flavors on Linux and Unix.  JED is considered a replacement for Emacs, as JED is smaller and faster.  === joe ===Keyboard shortcut based text editor.  === nvi ===nvi (new vi) is a re-implementation of vi.  nvi was written by Keith Bostic and currently seems to be frozen at version 1.79. It is the default vi on all BSD systems (NetBSD, OpenBSD, and FreeBSD) as well as MINIX.  BSD projects continue to use nvi version 1.79 due to licensing differences between Berkeley Database 1.85 and the later versions by Sleepycat Software. nvi is unusual because it uses a database to store the text as it is being edited.  nvi is only available on POSIX/Unix platforms due to its reliance on the curses/ncurses library.=== vim ====== [[vim]] ===vim is a vi-compatible text editor. It has many powerful enhancements for moving around, searching, and editing documents. Basic editing is simple to learn and there is much additional functionality to explore. Most functionality is accessed by typing combinations of keystrokes that trigger certain behavior. Vim, or the editor it’s modeled after, vi, is found in most UNIX-based operating systems. If you’ll be doing lots of editing from the command line, it’s a good editor to learn to use, but if you only use a command-line based editor occasionally, you can get by without learning it.[[vim]] is a vi-compatible text editor. It has many powerful enhancements for moving around, searching, and editing documents. Basic editing is simple to learn and there is much additional functionality to explore. Most functionality is accessed by typing combinations of keystrokes that trigger certain behavior. Vim, or the editor it’s modeled after, vi, is found in most UNIX-based operating systems. If you’ll be doing lots of editing from the command line, it’s a good editor to learn to use, but if you only use a command-line based editor occasionally, you can get by without learning it.