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Windows network share integration for linux

2,473 bytes added, 23:36, 3 June 2015
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And we add the following lines;And we add the following line:     //fileserver/media/ /mnt/media cifs domain=workgroup,username=music,password=music,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  0  -- stand-by for the rest of this composition --Our file server or NAS name is "fileserver" and our mp3 files are on a share called "media." Our domain is called "WORKGROUP" which is where "fileserver" resides.  Our username and password are both set to "music."  Now with execution of the mount -a mount -aWe have a persistent share to access our music accessible on /mnt/media.  No matter what user is on our workstation using his own login, he will have access to the music.  Access is restricted to read-only since no UID was set.For our own private share we will access it via Nautilus.  Lets use nicole as our username.  Nicole has a user id as defined in /etc/passwd as 1001.  We need to know this.  With Nautilus (identified only as Files in Unity) we do the following:* Files -> Browse Network -> Windows Network -> WORKGROUPFind the share called "nicoleshome" and click.  Nicole (you) supplies her username and password.  The connection is made (if there is no glitch.)  If the share is not visible, close and try again.  Now that we have established the temporary connection, lets create a symbolic link from the ugly path to a nice tidy one in our own home folder. ln -s /run/nicole/1001/gvfs/smb-share:server=fileserver,share=nicoleshome/My\ Documents /home/nicole/My\ DocumentsNow, from nicole's own home directory we have access to all of her personal files in the network share "My Documents."  The path for her to access them is simply: /home/nicole/My DocumentsHowever, the My Documents symlink will be broken after a new desktop session or of a timeout occurs until Nicole manually opens Nautilus and brows the path manually, supplying her username and password once again.  Then the symbolic link in her home directory ones again becomes active.This is a hybrid system utilizing both methods.    == Dear Ubuntu Developers ==Or "developers of Gnome, Unity, KDE, whatever Linux distribution that is underlying..."A method is needed to configure and provide a seamless login so that when the system user authenticates on the workstation via the graphical login, any CIFS shares can be restored and remain active though the session.  It is reasonable to have the workstation username match that of the network username for simplicity.  I know this configuration is possible with the correct combination of login scripts and using something like Smbclient, however, this is not simple for the average desktop user.EOF