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1,086 bytes added, 15:47, 11 June 2015
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Finally, Microsoft has been dishonest by disguising the advertisement as an "Important Windows Update."  This gives the impression it fixes a bug or addresses a security concern in Windows.  It does nothing more than add a memory wasting scheduled task that not only robs your system of resources but nags you to consider purchasing something that, as of the date of the release of the advertisement, is not even yet available.  Because KB3035583 was not labeled with a transparent honest description and placed in the Optional list of updates, Microsoft should be challenged legally.  The intentionally mislabeled update amounts to consumer fraud.  It wastes valuable end-user time.  It consumes resources that could be equated to cost, including distraction, removal time, CPU cycles that consume electrical power, and potential harm to system stability as a result of the removal process.This is just another reminder of why Micro$oft is a sleazy company with unethical leadership and further cause to celebrate as they continue to lose market share to competitors such as Apple.