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== basic usage ==== Where to Obtain VirtualBox == *Sun VirtualBox*Sun xVM VirtualBox*Innotek VirtualBox*Oracle VM VirtualBox VirtualBox is currently maintained by Oracle company.  This is because Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in January 2010 and renamed Sun VirtualBox as "Oracle VM VirtualBox". VirtualBox remains fully functional and free to use for personal use.  Oracle defines personal use as any situation in which one person installs the software, and only that individual, and their friends and family, use the software. Oracle does not care if that use is for commercial or non-commercial purposes.  Isn't that nice?  There are, however, some "enhanced" features that are addons to VirtualBox that are not FOSS (Free Open Source Software.) You can download VirtualBox directly from the Oracle VirtualBox web site.* LINK: You can obtain some versions from the FTP site maintained by the Network Administration of this WiKi.* LINK: == Basic Usage ==