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Ubuntu Customization

3,856 bytes added, 14:27, 21 June 2019
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Note: Added 10/17/2016 old cyphers no longer configured, may cause connection problems with legacy ssh clients such as SecureCRT.  ref: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on *You need to install cifs-utils sudo apt-get install cifs-utilsError: mount error: could not resolve address for xxxxx: Unknown error*You need to add an entry for the server host in /etc/hosts sudo vi /etc/hosts 192.168.X.X xxxxx xxxxx.domain.comError: mount error(13) permission denied#Check to make sure you are using the correct username password combination#Check the uid to ensure it matches with the username=== Wimamp like audio player lightweight fast ===We used to install xmms, however, it has been removed from the respositories since the Gutsy Gibbon release.  Another alternative which is easy to install and has been included in newer releases of Ubuntu is qmmp apt install qmmpRun as sudo or root.  Some versions may require adding repository.  See: [[Multimedia_Audio_and_Video_in_Linux#qmmp|qmmp]] under the Multimedia Audio and Video in Linux entry.* note: I had problems getting qmmp to play ogg files without adding a 3rd pty repository to update to the latest version along with addons.To connect to remote machines you will need to install xtightvncviewer. sudo apt install xtightvncviewerhowever, it does not support scaling on linux.  A more sophisticated viewer is "[[vinagre]]". sudo apt install vinagreIt used to be the default viewer in older versions of Ubuntu.  It has been replaced by a worthless piece of junk called Remmina.  For vnc the [[vinagre]] viewer is great and supports screen scaling.note: The program vinagre is displayed as "Remote Desktop Viewer" in the desktop environment.  After you install vinagre look for Remote Desktop Viewer in the menu.=== Disable Screen Lock ===There is two steps involved into completely disabling the lock screen in Unity.*Go to Brightness & Lock panel from the Unity Launcher. And set Turn screen off when inactive: to Never*Install "Unity Tweak Tool" with sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool. Run it from the Launcher and select System > Security > Enhance system security by disabling Desktop lock===turn off screensaver and power-management===Use the "screen" or "brightness and lock" application.  Click on the Unity Search and type "Brightness & Lock"In the "Brightness & Lock" interface disable "Dim screen to save power" and set "Turn screen off when inactive for: Never"You might find that the above solution is necessary, but not sufficient. The screen might still be blanking after 10 minutes. This is a default setting compiled into Xorg.To disabled it for the current session, run: xset s offYou can put this in your .xsession file to disable it upon every login.=== /etc/resolv.conf gets overwritten ===This should be titled reslov.conf gets overwritten and modification to the DNS name server settings in the GUI is broken too.Preliminary testing:  completely delete /etc/resolv.conf, reboot, create a new resolv.conf, add the nameserver, execute the command chattr +i /etc/resolv.confThis procedure is not yet verified.  It is necessary to delete resolv.conf and reboot in order to use the chattr command.=== Disable Alt-Tab Window Grouping ===Install the compizconfig-settings-manager using apt-get: sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extraIn this manager, find the Ubuntu Unity Plugin, go to tab "Switcher" and disable it.  You will be disabling the switcher plugin.  Some recommend unchecking all of the boxes within the switcher settings.Click the back button.  Now search for "Static Application Switcher" and enable that.Enable its key combinations for next and previous windows Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab.