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Clear Channel Ranger AR-3500

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made by: RF Limited / Clear Channel Corporation This is NOT a CB radio.  This is a full 10 meter HAM radio with powerful output.This is a full 10 meter HAM radio with powerful output.There are mods allowing you to operate on 12 meters and receive down to 3 MHZ.   There are mods allowing you to operate on 12 meters and receive down to 3 MHZ.  == History == Clear Channel Corporation developed the Ranger AR 3300 and Ranger AR 3500.  They were built by Nissei of Japan.  The Clear Channel Ranger radios have nothing to do with the RCI Radios also marketed under the name "Ranger."  RCI is a Chinese company, and has no affiliation with Clear Channel. In 1982, RF Limited started developing the Ranger AR-3300 and by April 1984 they had it on the market.  The AR-3300 was Clear Channel Corporation's first product, although it was a flawed product that had issues.  The issues with speech modulation were quickly cleared up on subsequent units.  By the time the AR3500 rolled out, many improvements had been incorporated producing a solid 10-meter HAM radio