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Superheterodyne Receiver

649 bytes added, 19:08, 12 February 2016
/* Super-regenerative */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
An innovative receiver design that looked promosing when introduced in 1922 by superheterdyne innovatorAn innovative receiver design that looked promising when introduced by superheterdyne innovator Major Edwin Howard Armstrong.  It consisted of an amplifying vacuum tube with its output connected to its input through a feedback loop, providing positive feedback.  It had a bad tendency to emit radio interference and turned out to be too complicated and limited to be broadly adopted.   Some sources have this invention as being in 1912, while others state introduced it in 1922 after returning to the Institute of Radio Engineers in New York.  Wikipedia states he patented the design in 1914 white he was an undergraduate at Columbia University.  What is clear is that his superheterodyne reciver is far more practical then was the super-regenerative.