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SWIARC Prepper's and Survivalism Information Net

33 bytes added, 02:31, 14 January 2017
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This net covers information relating to being prepared and increasing the probability of survival in an emergency such as a natural disaster or severe weather among other things.<big>This net covers information relating to being prepared and increasing the probability of survival in an emergency such as a natural disaster or severe weather among other things.</big>Originally launched in the fall of 2016 by Nick K0NHV, the net is now supervised and moderated by George KD0NME.  There are guest moderators that also conduct the net.<big>Originally launched in the fall of 2016 by Nick K0NHV, the net is now supervised and moderated by George KD0NME.  There are guest moderators that also conduct the net.</big>Currently this net is conducted every TUESDAY at 9:00pm CST on the SWIARC Amateur Radio Club repeater located in Council Bluffs Iowa.  Anyone within range of the repeater is invited to participate in the net.<big>Currently this net is conducted every TUESDAY at 9:00pm CST on the SWIARC Amateur Radio Club repeater located in Council Bluffs Iowa.  Anyone within range of the repeater is invited to participate in the net.</big>