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Audacity on Ubuntu Linux

911 bytes added, 01:07, 12 February 2017
/* Howto */
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=== Change Sample Rate and Achieve Smaller Export File Size ===If you change the project rate (in Project Rate box in the lower left of the main Audacity screen) to a lower rate before exporting, the encoded MP3 will use that sample rate and produce a smaller file.Reducing the sample rate will also reduce the frequency band limit (the maximum frequency at a given sample rate is always less that half of the sample rate). If you are only interested in the intelligibility of the voices, you can probably go down to around 16kHz sample rate (which will limit the upper frequency response to around 7kHz) and still have acceptable quality.If you have a track already recorded at a higher sample rate then you can resample it to a lower rate.  In the menu choose Tracks -> Resample.  After you resample so the resulting track sample rate is much lower, then you can export and get a yet smaller file size.