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SWIARC Prepper's and Survivalism Information Net

320 bytes added, 03:19, 15 March 2017
/* Purpose */
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In this net survivalists discuss various disaster plans, and techniques that could be used to save the lives of you and your family.  If you are prepared for the worst, then you have an edge on everyone else and you increase the likelihood that you will survive.  During this net it is discussed what could happen, what is most probable, and how you can prepare for it.In this net survivalists discuss various disaster plans, and techniques that could be used to save the lives of you and your family.  If you are prepared for the worst, then you have an edge on everyone else and you increase the likelihood that you will survive.  During this net it is discussed what could happen, what is most probable, and how you can prepare for it.  Those interested in becoming a survivalist, or maybe just passively wishing to prepare for a minor disaster such as a blizzard and two week power outage, will find this weekly net a must to listen to and participate in.  Ask questions or share your ideas on the weekly SWIARC Prepper's and Survivalism Information Net.