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SWIARC Prepper's and Survivalism Information Net

789 bytes added, 03:31, 15 March 2017
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To the unprepared, the very word "prepper" is likely to summon images of armed zealots hunkered down in bunkers awaiting the End of Days.  That is not what is going on with this net.  The net has thus far not been biblical.  In general the net is not very political.  Firearms has been discussed to a minor degree.  The major topics are on food storage, medicine, using everyday items in creative ways in an emergency, how to protect from various threats and issues involving the economy.  Preparing financially for an economic downturn is as much a survivalist technique as anything else.The future direction the net will take is entirely dependent on what participants wish to discuss, what the Net Control pursues, what George suggests, and what is permitted on the SWIARC repeater.