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Use of Break in Amateur Radio

190 bytes added, 15:45, 6 May 2017
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'''Feeling Long Winded?'''How to Enter an Ongoing QSO'''How to Enter an Ongoing QSO'''You do not have the right to barge in on an ongoing conversation.  You can announce your presence simply by waiting for a pause between transmissions and give your call sign.  You may be invited into the conversation to speak, or you may be ignored.  On an open repeater, as an example, you will find most ham operators will willingly hand it over to you so you can speak.  Stipulations may depend on the repeater guidelines and any club rules.  On HF frequencies you may also hear an operator say “contact” then announce his or her call sign.  There’s no breaker breaker!You do not have the right to barge in on an ongoing conversation.  You can announce your presence simply by waiting for a pause between transmissions and give your call sign.  You may be invited into the conversation to speak, or you may be ignored.  On an open repeater you tend to find most ham operators will eagerly hand it over to you so you can speak.  Stipulations may depend on the repeater guidelines and any club rules.  On HF frequencies you may also hear an operator say "contact" then announce his or her call sign.  There’s no breaker breaker!Being Wrong Doesn’t Keep You From Having a Web Site'''Being Wrong Doesn’t Keep You From Having a Web Site'''Yet, there’s some bad info floating around due to ignorance.  Rob Mavis AE6GE, for example, seems to think that it is acceptable to use amateur radio in the same fashion as police.  According to the ARRL, Rob Mavis is just plain wrong.  Fortunately for Rob Mavis, ignorance is a correctable condition.Yet, there’s some bad info floating around due to ignorance.  Rob Mavis AE6GE, for example, seems to think that it is acceptable to use amateur radio in the same fashion as police.  According to the ARRL, Rob Mavis is just plain wrong, but that doesn't stop ol Rob from [ sharing misinformation online].  Fortunately for Rob Mavis, ignorance is a correctable condition through education.The Hobby is Changing'''The Hobby is Changing'''What will inevitably happen as older experienced ham operators become silent keys and the millennial take over the hobby, these subtle breaches in protocol will impact the hobby’s vernacular eventually becoming accepted protocol.  Maybe the term will evolve into hashtag-break or something even more progressive like that.What will inevitably happen as older experienced ham operators become silent keys and the Millennials take over the hobby, these subtle breaches in protocol will impact the hobby’s vernacular eventually becoming accepted protocol.  Maybe the term will evolve into hashtag-break or something even more progressive like that. #break #IRLP-rulz #Kardashian