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Template:Opinion Entry

84 bytes added, 00:05, 30 July 2017
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
| style="height:138px; width:460px; text-align:left;" |  | style="height:138px; width:480px; text-align:left;" |  [[File:contributeduck176.gif|left]]Note: This section possibly contains opinion or has a bias because it does not reflect a neutral point of view.  An unbalanced or non-neutral article is one that does not represent the balance of perspectives.  However, once denoted the article may remain.[[File:opinionduck.gif|left]]Note: This section possibly contains some elements of opinion or may have a bias because it does not reflect a neutral point of view.  Although the information is factual, there's also additional comments that reflect personal opinion.  Once denoted the article may remain because of the validity of the opinion and valuable information included.