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Part 97 : Sec. 97.119 Station identification

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A: Not extremely worried. People don't always get to know when their last transmission will be their final transmission in a communication.  Life is very dynamic and so is radio.  Conditions might change.  You might not be able to make further contact with another station.  You might be on a repeater and another ham moves in and talks over you.  You just don't always get to know when your last chance to talk will be.  You could ID at the end of each transmission to play it extra safe, and some hams do this.  It's just not necessary.  It's your intent that will be the deciding factor when such an oversight is observed.  When conveying 73 and good bye then be ensure to include your call sign.  If you're going to stick around and monitor, then don't worry about it.  A communication is somewhat ambiguously defined in legal terms and a ham might consider occasional statements made throughout the afternoon all part of the same communication.  It is only definitive when you clearly state that you're departing and one common method is to state, "This is A0NEW and I will be clear on your final."  This method is not only FCC compliant, but clear and polite.A: Not extremely worried. People don't always get to know when their last transmission will be their final transmission in a communication.  Life is very dynamic and so is radio.  Conditions might change.  You might not be able to make further contact with another station.  You might be on a repeater and another ham moves in and talks over you.  You just don't always get to know when your last chance to talk will be.  You could ID at the end of each transmission to play it extra safe, and some hams do this.  It's just not necessary.  It's your intent that will be the deciding factor when such an oversight is observed.  When conveying 73 and good bye then be sure to include your call sign.  If you're going to stick around and monitor, then don't worry about it.  A communication is somewhat ambiguously defined in legal terms and a ham might consider occasional statements made throughout the afternoon all part of the same communication.  It is only definitive when you clearly state that you're departing and one common method is to state, "This is A0NEW and I will be clear on your final."  This method is not only FCC compliant, but clear and polite.