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1,117 bytes added, 22:52, 3 November 2017
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FCC CORRECTS PACTOR III: The FCC moved to correct an error which would have rendered J2D emissions illegal below 30MHz.  J2D emissions take place in the CW portion of the amateur bands, and are much wider than CW. Further, the practices of PACTOR operators don't lend themselves well to the spirit or intent of ham radio: band sharing, courtesy, and non-interference with other hams. FCC WT Docket 04-140 discussed how the ARRL argued that a 500-Hz bandwidth limitation in the definition of data emissions would have unintended consequences because the limitation would also apply to Amateur Radio bands where a higher bandwidth is allowed.  The ARRL should not be advocating for PACTOR III acceptance.  Effective December 15th, 2006, the US FCC has ELIMINATED Pactor 3 use on 80 meters. Therefore, NO US Licensed PMBO will have use of Pactor 3 on the 80 meter band, and will only provide Pactor 1 and Pactor 2 on the 80 meter band. Reason: the US VOICE BAND OPERATION was expanded to cover up FCC PART 97.221 on 80 meters. Winlink and PACTOR have long been on the fringe of what is allowed in amateur radio.