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923 bytes added, 18:31, 22 December 2017
/* For a stand-alone exe */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
To create a launcher on the desktop of X you can try this method:* create a file with the name of the program you want to launch and use a non-standard custom file extension, I used .wsh because it will be a shell script to a wine software.  Here is a sample script to launch the stand alone program AxCrypt2Go.exe #!/bin/sh cd /home/derek/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files wine AxCrypt2Go.exe & * Replace the executable in the example with one you are using and add the shell script into the .wsh file you created on the X desktop.  * Now right click on the .wsh file and choose "Open with" and "Other application"* At the bottom in the text entry filed where you can add a custom executable path enter /bin/ash* and choose "Set as default" and click "Ok"Although this is not the most elaborate way to create a desktop link to a stand alone wine executable, it does work.  Other methods require 3rd party software.