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Archiving With GNU tar

535 bytes added, 02:23, 21 February 2018
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
  tar -p -zcvf /world2018021802.tgz /usr/local/minecraft/world  tar -p -zcvf /world2018021802.tgz /usr/local/xtar/worldother tar -sp -zcvf var-lib-mysql.tar.gz /var/lib/mysql -Ptarball: tar -sp -zcvf mysqlhotcopy.tar.gz  /home/username/placetoputbackupfile -P tar -sp -zcvf archive.tar.gz /mounted/directory -PList contents of filename.tar to the screen tar -tvf filename.tarList the contents of a gnuzip (gzip) compressed tar archive. tar -ztf name-of-file.tgzVerbosely tar -ztvf name-of-file.tgzSearch the archive tar -ztf name-of-file.tgz | grep -i "search string"Verbosely tar -ztvf name-of-file.tgz | grep -i "search string"