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Mint Linux Distribution Reference

925 bytes added, 17:27, 17 July 2018
/* UI Preferences and Features */
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=== Active Numlock w Notification ===As of Linux Mint Sylvia without regards to the numlock state at boot the numlock will be inactive when the desktop is loaded.  The numlock default state can be modified only after installing a package. sudo apt install numlockxthen adding a line to the file  90-slick-greeter.conf by using the text editor of your choice.  In this example we use vim. sudo vi /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/90-slick-greeter.confthen adding the following line of code at the end: greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/numlockx onsave and reboot.It is also nice to have an indicator on the numlock state as to show status and status change.  The following is helpful but not necessary.# Menu -> Settings -> Accessibility -> Keyboard # under "Keyboard Indicators" enable "Use visual indicator on Caps and Num Lock" # also under "Keyboard Indicators" enable "Use audio indicator on Caps and Num Lock"