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Third Party Anarchy

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Well, my research and casual correspondence some time ago with a previous local Section Manager suggests that it would not be wise, and may result in a violation.  But say for the sake of argument that all of the FCC attorney’s in the world decided one day that it was perfectly legal, meanwhile Ruth Bader Ginsburg was taking a nap, lets think about the logic behind such an operation.Well, my research and casual correspondence some time ago with a previous local Section Manager suggests that it would not be very good operator practice.  You have to understand that much of the conventions we use in amateur radio have less to do with FCC compliance and more to do with suggested good operator practice often decided upon collectively by ham operators, document and defined in books and guides published by the ARRL. The FCC requires certain and very specific things, beyond that we tend to conduct ourselves based on a code of good practice.  For example, it is not illegal to call "CQ" on a repeater, however, it is discouraged as bad practice.  In fact the amateur radio band plan contains a mix of FCC requirement and then ARRL recommendation.  Operating FM voice on the SSB portion of the 2-meter band does not violate FCC rules, but is also discouraged as it is bad practice to do so.