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Access 2000 Data Import Guide

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Go to the File menu, and select Get External Data, then Import.  Now you must select the file to import.  By default, Access is set to import .mdb files, which are other Access databases.  Since we want to import an Excel spreadsheet file, change the file type dropdown to Excel.  Navigate to the directory where the Excel file is stored and select it.  If the Excel file contains multiple sheets, you will be prompted to specify which sheet to import.  Otherwise, Access will select the only sheet if there is one.  Now there are other options Access will question you for.  The first question is whether the first column in our spreadsheet contains the column headings.  These prompts or questions being asked by Access are dependant on the file type being imported.  The questions you are seeing are specific to importing an Excel spreadsheet file.  If importing a file of a different type, the series of questions may be different from these.You will be asked if you want to change any of the field names, data types for the fields, or if you want to exclude particular fields. The simplest thing to do here is to accept the defaults and click Next, as you can always make changes to these options later, once the data is imported.Now you are prompted to specify a primary key, which is a number or code that uniquely identifies each individual record.  You may choose not to set one at this time, and do it later, after the import.  If you know which column you want to use as the primary key, then select it.  The primary key should be a column of unique data.Now select a name for the new database table.  Access now begins importing the spreadsheet data into the new Access database table.  The time it takes for Access to do this depends on the speed of your computer and the amount of data in the spreadsheet.  When the process is complete, you end up back at the table objects window, and now have one object in this window.