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1,453 bytes added, 23:12, 2 July 2019
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== Review ==[[Image:05star.png]]Unless you like constantly eating up all of your valuable time tweaking, tuning and constantly fixing streaming software, then Kodi is not for you.  It works for awhile, at first, then craps out.  I don't know if it corrupts itself, falls victim to poorly written plugin updates that don't cleanly uninstall, or what the deal is, but you can only get about a month or two at the most before the entire thing starts going to pot.The Kodi user interface is recursive and as far from intuitive as an old MS DOS version of Microsoft Word.  Many interface items are circular and lead you back to the same place after a series of menu selections.  Configuration is nightmarish with common features in remote places no where near the same options screen.  Documentation is also poor, often times making reference to interface options that have been moved or renamed in current versions.  Furthermore, many plugin help guides make reference to features in Kodi that only a developer would fully understand.  It is apparent that Kodi is developed by a bunch of loosely assembled individuals with no common UI concept and not functioning as a team.  Horrible!  Kodi is not for someone that expects to invest some reasonable time into the initial install and configuration to enjoy many hours of use.  It doesn't stay working!  Plan to invest time into fixing and troubleshooting on a regular basis.  Kodi is rubbish!