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Dark Web

633 bytes added, 00:14, 3 April 2019
/* Deep Web and Dark Web */
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Furthermore, there are Internet connected networks which have restricted access blocking Internet search engines and indexing services.  Public access to an Internet connected network or web site may be completely blocked by encryption, authentication mechanisms, and firewall technology.  In this case you have to dig deeper by getting a password from someone or being granted access.Furthermore, there are Internet connected networks which have restricted access blocking Internet search engines and indexing services.  Public access to an Internet connected network or web site may be completely blocked by encryption, authentication mechanisms, and firewall technology.  In this case you have to dig deeper by receiving a password from someone, being granted access or discovering a hidden way in.There are reasons that Internet connected networks are not searched and indexed by major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Direct access to these networks may be purposely restricted by the owners. To consider why these networks may have restricted access requires understanding the the Internet actually is.  The Internet is made up of many connected networks.  That's basically what it is, many connected networks.  They're connected together using standardized routing and addressing protocols and hardware technology to accomplish a common goal, a global interoperability system.  Web sites are driven by web servers on networked computers in which the network itself is connected to the Internet. Services are accessed by computers and smart devices all participating in some kind of network that is Internet connected.  The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the Internet, but merely one of the many technologies that uses the Internet. Your computer and smart phone are merely two examples of any of the countless network or Internet connected devices.  The Internet is made up of many connected networks and nothing else.  All of the many networks connected together using standardized routing and addressing technology make up the Internet.  Web sites are driven by web servers on networked computers in which the network itself is connected to the Internet.  The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the Internet, but merely one of the many technologies that uses the Internet.  Restricted networks that cannot be directly searched and indexed by major search engines such as Google but have legitimate or legal content in addition to the many unknown public networks not yet discovered by indexing services comprise the majority of the deep web.  Many of the restricted places are used by companies to share information with satellite locations, business partners, subscription based users, or other selective audiences.  The rest are just undiscovered Internet networks and obscure web sites or Internet servers that have poor or limited connectivity.Not all networks are connected to the Internet.  The ones that are not connected are called "private" networks.  Those that are connected to the Internet with some degree of unrestricted access are considered "public" networks.  Company owners may wish to have the advantages of having their network connected to the Internet, with restrictions for security purposes.  If an Internet connected network cannot be accessed at all by the general public without applying authentication tokens of a type that prevents automatic indexing then this network is considered to be at a "deeper" layer than typical public networks on the Internet.   The minority of deep web networks that contain illegally distributed intellectual property, copyright media, the sharing of evidence of criminal activity, illegally obtained personal identify information, banned or restricted media, and information on buying or selling illegal material exist and makes up much of what is now commonly being described as the dark web.   Restricted networks on the deep web that cannot be automatically searched and indexed by major search engines such as Google but have legitimate or legal content in addition to the many unknown public networks not yet discovered by indexing services all as the majority of the deep web.  Many of the restricted places are used by companies to share information with satellite locations, company partners, subscription based users, or other restricted audiences.  The rest are just undiscovered Internet networks.Finding the dark web and accessing the content is difficult because these places are hidden and the front door locked.  Access is restricted by the criminals and those aiding and abetting criminals when they create and allow it on their networks.  They restrict access in an effort to avoid capture and criminal prosecution.  Imagine social networking, business-to-business, and e-commerce all for anything illegal where the buyers, sellers, and everyone else is up to their necks in it, and they want to all hook up online without getting caught and you have the dark web.The minority of deep web networks that contain illegally distributed intellectual property, copyright media, the sharing of evidence of criminal activity, illegally obtained personal identify information, banned or restricted media, and information on buying or selling illegal material may be the contemporary more common use of the term "dark web."  Access is restricted to these places making up the dark web by the perpetrators in an effort to avoid capture and criminal prosecution.  They are either trying to hide on the dark web, or their data exists on the dark web but it has yet to be exposed to the general public.Criminal elements active on the dark web typically share information on web sites and other Internet mediums not indexed by Google.  These criminals wish to be anonymous but still able to make connections to transact business.  An identity thief may steal your social security number and sell it on the dark web to a buyer that intends on using it for criminal activity. Thieves and drug dealers wish to be found by their customers without being found by the police.  This is of course impossible so therefore a real "dark web" that only the bad guys can use doesn't exist.  The dark web can be discovered and the crooks have no guarantee they'll be able to freely roam the dark web without consequences.    An individual that wants to sell something that is against the law to sell, yet find a market, is challenged to advertise in a way that will not result in capture and prosecution.  The goal of these criminal elements is to share information on web sites and other Internet mediums which are not indexed by Google and the major search engines.  These criminals wish to be anonymous but still able to make connections to transact business.  They wish to be found by their customers without being found by the police.  This is of course impossible so therefore a real "dark web" that only the bad guys can use doesn't exist.  In this context the dark web is simply a place common people tend not to be able to find, and crooks tend to use to conduct illegal activity, but is still part of the overall Internet.Swimming in the dark web, even just out of curiosity, can get you on a government watch list.  The US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working on tools to automatically monitor the dark web.  It isn't just a matter of knowing how to access things on the dark web, but how to anonymously access the dark web so one does not become the victim of crime or subject of investigation just for being curious and poking around a bit.The very nature of the dark web does limit its proliferation.  Consumers of illegal material will not find destinations on the dark web as user friendly as eBay and Craigslist.  There are no money back guarantees or limited warranties from the dark web marketplaces.  The dark web is a modern age black market.  If a specific market becomes too popular on the dark web then that person becomes a victim of his or her own popularity as exposure becomes likely.  As long as law enforcement continues to aggressively go after the criminals, the dark web will be a confined place well off the beaten path.  Regrettably, much like the "War on Drugs" there is no victory involving elimination of the dark web. Swimming in the depths of the dark web, even just out of curiosity, can get you on a government watch list.  The US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working on tools to automatically monitor the dark web and identify individuals.  It isn't just a matter of knowing how to access things on the dark web, but how to anonymously access the dark web so one does not become the victim of crime or subject of investigation just for being curious and poking around a bit.  Reading about the dark web is positively the closet the average person will ever want to get to that part of the Internet that popular culture has dubbed with such a mysterious and dubiously intriguing nick name.