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Dark Web

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Swimming in the depths of the dark web, even just out of curiosity, can get you on a government watch list.  The US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working on tools to automatically monitor the dark web and identify individuals.  It isn't just a matter of knowing how to access things on the dark web, but how to anonymously access the dark web so one does not become the victim of crime or subject of investigation just for being curious and poking around a bit.  Reading about the dark web is positively the closet the average person will ever want to get to that part of the Internet that popular culture has dubbed with such a mysterious and dubiously intriguing nick name.Swimming in the depths of the dark web, even just out of curiosity, can get you on a government watch list.  The US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working on tools to automatically monitor the dark web and identify individuals.  It isn't just a matter of knowing how to access things on the dark web, but how to anonymously access the dark web so one does not become the victim of crime or subject of investigation just for being curious and poking around a bit.  The dark web can get so dark it is without metaphoric light, and the content might dwell in the depths of the unimaginable. With great effort trying to find your way onto the dark web and stumbling into the wrong area might expose you to risk such as those associated with what you found coming after you.  There are things online that are so dark and disturbing that it can change your very outlook on life.  However, this is the reality of the Internet and whether you refer a specific area of the Internet with the pop culture term "dark web" or not, the reality is that the Internet contains everything from the extreme good to most deplorable bad.  Fortunately for you the extremely dangerous is very deep and obscure so that you're not going to accidentally take a wrong turn winding up on the run from a mob hitman and the FBI because you mistyped one letter doing an Internet search.  Life is not a Doug Liman movie and the dark web is just a small sliver of the Internet that you'll probably never even come near.The dark web can get so dark it is without metaphoric light, and the content might dwell in the depths of the unimaginable. With great effort trying to find your way onto the dark web and stumbling into the wrong area might expose you to risk such as those associated with what you found coming after you and your family.  There are things online that are so dark and disturbing that it can change your very outlook on life.  However, this is the reality of the Internet and whether you refer a specific area of the Internet with the pop culture term "dark web" or not, the fact is that the Internet contains everything from the extreme good to most deplorable bad.  Fortunately for you the extremely dangerous is very deep and obscure so that you're not going to accidentally take a wrong turn winding up on the run from a mob hitman and the FBI because you mistyped one letter doing an Internet search.  Life is not a Doug Liman movie and the dark web is just a small sliver of the Internet that you'll probably never even come near.  Reading about the dark web is positively the closet the average person will ever want to get to that part of the Internet that popular culture has dubbed with such a mysterious and dubiously intriguing nick name.