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Mint Linux Distribution Reference

684 bytes added, 15:49, 29 April 2019
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=== Edit Text ===[[Kate]] is a better text editor although there is a file open glitch on mint sudo apt install kate=== Recommended Useful ===* [[tmux terminal multiplexer]] sudo apt install tmux== Mint comes with a lame vim ==== Software Applications == === Edit Text ===[[Kate]] is a better text editor although there is a file open glitch on mint sudo apt install kate === Recommended Useful ===* [[tmux terminal multiplexer]] sudo apt install tmux === Mint comes with a lame vim ====== gThumb Image Viewer ===gThumb is an image viewer with basic image editing tools, like cropping, image resizing, image enhancement and more.  apt install gThumbSome preferences to recommend:* anti-aliasing makes images look blurry.  To disable it used to be Edit -> Preferences -> Image View and uncheck "smooth images" but since they switched to the awful hamburger menu system and stopped calling things by logical naming look for it under "Eyeball Icon thing on the upper left" -> Preferences -> Viewer -> change Zoom Quality to "Low" which doesn't really lower the quality, it just disables anti aliasing.  How dumb is that option label?