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I'm is very good programmer, known in darkweb as

479 bytes added, 02:18, 15 June 2019
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DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ANY MESSAGE LIKE OR REMOTELY SIMILIAR TO THE ONE BELOW.  Believe me, even if you are naughty with your online habits, you have not been targeted, and the nuns at the convent probably got the exact same email.DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ANY LIKE MESSAGE OR REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THE ONE BELOW.  Believe me, even if you are a little naughty in your online habits, you have not been targeted, and the nuns at the convent probably got the exact same email.  This scammer is not a hacker and actually knows nothing about you.  He probably bought the email list he is using and doubtfully possesses the skill to obtain it by any other means. It is a very old physiological form of extortion without leverage, or what poker players call a bluff, except that this scam artist uses the Internet to spam the bluff to thousands of people at the same time. See below for an example message captured by one of our honeypot email servers.