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455 bytes added, 23:54, 2 July 2019
/* Review */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
#The vast majority of Kodi users didn't install Kodi as yet another lame local hard drive media player.  They are a dime a dozen.  People go for Kodi because of the plugins, including the many legal LiveTV plugins like those for news or youtube.#The vast majority of Kodi users didn't install Kodi as yet another lame local hard drive media player.  Those programs are a dime a dozen.  People go for Kodi because of the plugins, including the many legal LiveTV plugins like those for news or youtube.  Granted there are also pirate plugins for watching the latest movies, however, disregard those and look only to the public domain content plugins and they are broken poorly maintained turds in the pool just like the rest of Kodi addons.The Kodi framework is flawed.  The UI is terrible.  Custom themes do not correct UI problems and only make it impossible to follow advice from available help resources which are typically useless anyway.