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963 bytes added, 00:07, 2 August 2019
/* Addons */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
=== Install from zip file ===You first have to enable experimental add-ons.(A) get file onto kodi box, here's one way:1. connect to kodi via ssh 2. create a directory on the root "mkdir /download" 3. cd download4. wget http---path---to---addon---zip---file(B) access zip file via kodi awful interface1. Add-ons -> My add-ons -> 2. Now you see a list in long format starting with .. and next All.  Choose ".." the two dots in order to go up one level.3. Now you see a much smaller list starting with .. you need to chose "Install from zip file" which is near the bottom.4. After "Install from zip file" goto -> Root filesystem -> storage -> downloadThe option "storage" under the Root filesystem is what you see at / when you connect via ssh.  We made a folder called "download" which appears as "/download" in ssh, however, appears as "/storage/download" within Kodi addon Install from zip file interface.Select the zip file and it will install.