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515 bytes added, 00:49, 2 August 2019
/* Troubleshooting */
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suggested solved by "[ enabling MPEG DASH in the Youtube settings]" and [ you need to enable Inputstream Adaptive addon. By default it gets installed in disabled state].  THIS ALONE DID NOT RESOLVE.suggested solved by "[ enabling MPEG DASH in the Youtube settings]" and [ you need to enable Inputstream Adaptive addon. By default it gets installed in disabled state].    Confirmed Resolved:  the act of enabling MPEG-DASH in the Youtube plugin settings is not possible unless "InputStream Adaptive" is installed and enabled.  See below section "RTMP Settings Missing" to install both InputStream Adaptive and RTMP.  With those installed you can go into the Youtube plugin settings (I do this while the Youtube plugin is open by click the right arrow on the remote) and from there goto MPEG-DASH and enable "VideoPlayer InputStream".  I also limited the resolution to 720 although it may or may not be necessary.