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You Literally Sound Stupid

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Start a new trend, make people aware and help them to stop overusing this adverb.  In fact, the English language would survive very well with this word entirely eliminated. echo literally > /dev/null''Actually you could Becca, so you are also using this adverb incorrectly.'' Craig Bourm@mruob928 20 Apr 17 @HiMyNameIsSeton I think you mean figuratively not literally. You say it a lot. Literally, I mean. #stopsayingliterally Anakin's Lightsaber@skywalker_saber 21 Apr 18 I took a minute and went through my past tweets and saw that I used the word "literally' in 5 posts. That's 5 posts too many. I sincerely apologize. #StopSayingLiterally #IDoNotThinkItMeansWhatYouThinkItMeans Chelsea Smith@Chelmsmith 12 Feb 15 Does anyone know what literally means? #stopsayingliterally Matthew Burgess@MatthewtBurgess 7 Apr 15 Overheard in hospital: “I’m literally up to my neck in patients.” No. No you’re not. #stopsayingliterally Stephen Pallotta@stephenpallotta 20 Mar 13 Even my professors abuse the word literally #stopsayingliterally Melanie McGovern@mjmcgovern12 15 Apr 15 Did they say "literally" in the 80s? #stopsayingliterally #TheGoldbergs''Answer: No, at least not to such an extent as that asinine and anachronistic television program suggests.''