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You Literally Sound Stupid

9 bytes added, 05:14, 18 September 2019
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In the next decade millennials and the following coming of age generation will likely misuse the word "hot" when describing something that is actually cold, such as ice.  Following the most logical (to them) course of action diligent liberal compassionate and understanding authors and editors of Merriam-Webster will include the new opposite definition.  Perhaps in a couple following decades all words will have blended with no clear and definite definition.  In conversation no one will have any actual idea of the information attempting to be conveyed.  Following that mankind will regress into a dialect of grunting and hooting completely doing away with all of the pesky words that make up language.  Society will communicate in the proto-language of Australopithecus thus simplifying education and everything else that requires effort in education.In the next decade millennials and the following coming of age generation will likely misuse the word "hot" when describing something that is actually cold, such as ice.  Following the most logical (to them) course of action diligent liberal compassionate and understanding authors and editors of Merriam-Webster will include the new opposite definition.  Perhaps in a couple following decades all words will have blended with no clear and definite definition.  In conversation no one will have any actual idea of the information attempting to be conveyed.  Following that mankind will regress into a dialect of grunting and hooting completely doing away with all of the pesky words that make up language.  Who needs the Wernicke's area of the brian? Why not let man de-evolve (devolution) back to Australopithecus and dispense with the use of language altogether?