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PDF: The Portable Document Format

1,156 bytes added, 13:25, 25 September 2020
/* PDF Utilities */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
=== Linux PDF Tools: tiff2odf and tiffcp ===A 12 page black and white document was scanned into jpeg images.  Although jpeg was not the best choice for black and white documents, this is how it was presented and thus needed to be converted to a pdf.  imagemagick convert produced a large pdf over 6mb that was not optimized for black and white.  This is not referring to compression, as applying jpeg compression or changing the dpi is not the correct way to optimize black and white scanned images.Our fat pdf that was created from jpeg and not optimized for black and white is called: document.pdf  It will be deconstructed back to images, except this time into optimized for black and white tiff images.  A larger multi-page tiff file will then be created from the multiple tiff images.  The single multi-page tiff file will then be converted back into a much smaller optimized pdf document. convert -colorspace rgb -density 300 document.pdf -monochrome document-%03d.tiff tiffcp document-???.tiff multipage.tiff tiff2pdf -o documentfinal.pdf multipage.tiffWhile the original document.pdf is over 6 mb, the documentfinal.pdf is less than 1mb.