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1,170 bytes added, 04:43, 26 October 2019
/* Ubuntu / Mint Client */
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=== minecraft game ended with bad state linux ===Some different things can cause this, such as an invalid character in your windows username that creates a problem for Java in accessing your home folder.  However, I have never experienced that.  What it always comes down to for me is the wrong blasted version of Java.  OpenJDK 11 aka java-11-openjdk-amd64 aka Fake Java hates minecraft.  After upgrading to Linux Mint 19.2 minecraft refused to run.  To fix the problem it was necessary to install OpenJDK 8 aka java-8-openjdk-amd64 aka less crappy fake java.  Another way it was solved successfully was to install real Java... from Oracle.  However the folks over at Oracle are butts and make you jump though a heap of registration hoops before they let you download their precious Oracle Java.  If you get your hands on jre-8u181-linux-x64.tar.gz from Oracle, it works well for minecraft.  See also: [[Oracle Java for Linux]]Yet, like I said before, other things can also cause the bad state exit, which is just minecraft saying that something is wrong.  You will have to do some digging in logs if the Java version was not the culprit of the problem for you.