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7,939 bytes added, 02:30, 22 November 2023
/* Modify keymaps */
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If you want a good <big><big>'''media center'''</big></big> including <big>PVR, Pause Live TV</big> and a video library then I recommended <big><big><big>'''[[MythTV]]'''</big></big></big> as it is far easier to configure and operate than Kodi will ever be.  However if you are a '''video pirate''' looking for '''illegal copyright streaming''' content or pirate video on demand then <big><big>'''Kodi'''</big></big> is for you.  Although the Kodi people vehemently '''deny this''' and state they are not responsible for pirate plugins, the only people that <big>'''love Kodi'''</big> are <big>'''the pirates'''</big> <small>(''argh matey'')</small> because it is such a pitiful poor excuse for a multimedia system no one in their right mind would install it on a computer for legitimate use only.Read on...  Kodi video player - just trying to watch an episode of a TV program recorded on another recorded.  The Kodi player jumps forward huge leaps when trying to skip past commercials.  An error message indicating a PVR is needed randomly popups up for no apparent reason.   Kodi video player - just trying to watch an episode of a TV program recorded on another recorder.  The Kodi player jumps forward huge leaps when trying to skip past commercials.  An error message indicating a PVR is needed randomly popups up for no apparent reason and covers the video.  I'm not even using the PVR functionality, I am just trying to play a video.   Update 10/2019 - I continue to find Kodi the most '''counterintuitive''' piece of sh!+ software that I am currently using.  After simply trying to add an additional network video source from another video device on the LAN I have a terrible migraine and an hour wasted.  I will dump Kodi as soon as I find a suitable replacement that runs on the RaspberryPi.  Kodi is complete rubbish!  These people do not think like human beings, their brains must be wired completely different.  The layout, menu locations, and navigation is so very counterintuitive and is like nothing I have used in my decades working this type of technology.The Kodi interface layout, menu locations, and navigation is so very counterintuitive and is like nothing else providing no common frame of reference.  Kodi plugins that are very common and popular such as the youtube plugin keep breaking.  Said plugin will work for awhile and then break.  Most recently trying to launch a live youtube stream causes Kodi to reboot, nothing has changed, the problem just develops for no apparent reason after a couple months and this is not an isolated problem specific to this plugin.  What is Kodi without the most common plugins?*Plex* Plex - '''not viable'''.  this is that it isn’t designed to play files locally.*TerrariumTV* TerrariumTV - ?* Movian - a multimedia center designed primarily to be used directly on a TV. * Volumio - tested '''not viable'''. Volumio is now available within Raspberry Pi Imager (''makes your pi a server, not client'')* Plasma Bigscreen - '''not viable''' testing using Mycroft Bigscreen IMGs - this is voice command centered and registration is required to use the system. The following operating systems are all built for and around Kodi (bad): OSMC, XBian, LibreELECNow, to watch them...===view video files from network source===Select Videos (ENTER) -> Files (ENTER) -> and select the name of the network video source you created from the previous stepI will add this soon. It reqires the (FILES) option.Kodi is loopy and there are more ways to get to an area, or get stuck in an infinite menu loop if you're not careful.  Under TV Shows or Movies you can also get to your video files from a network source, however, it is easy to do it directly from the videos menu. ===video player seek steps===*by any other name... skip steps, fast forward and rewind, jump steps '''Additive skipping''' (additive seeking) is a method of having increasingly larger skip steps the more times you press either the left key ← or right key →, you need at least one skip step configured for either the positive or negative direction together with having a skip delay set. As there are 3 skip values in the positive direction with 60 sec being the last value, therefore a 4th right key press will take 60 sec (value for 3 key presses) and add a further 60 sec thus the skip size will be 120 sec forwards, a 5th right key press will be 180 sec, and so on. The same behaviour also applies for the negative direction. This is problematic as it does not match the behavior of most other video players or live television viewers. The available skip step values can be further customised via the advancedsettings.xml file with the <seeksteps> entry.  Custom define seek steps available in the GUI configuration by adding via advancedsettings.xml <seeksteps>7, 15, 30, 60, 180, 300, 600, 900, 1800</seeksteps>* <seeksteps> is not used to actually choose which seek steps are enabled. The problem many have with seek steps relates to Kodi's use of the so called "Additive skipping."  You're trying to get past commercials and you press forward arrow too many times too quickly and now you've jumped ahead an hour into the program!  The problem is you have to press, and wait, press and wait to get though the commercial which is a very slow process, otherwise seeking runs away and you've missed too much. '''Instant skipping''' is the alternative to additive skipping which behaves more like traditional media players.  With no more than a single negative or positive step configured, together with Skip Delay set to none, then Kodi will instantly skip without a delay.   For traditional behavior you need to switch from additive skipping to instant skipping as they are referred to within Kodi terminology. To change Kodi to use Instant skipping try following these steps (from 2015, needs verified with current version):* <s>System -> video -> Settings -> change Settings Level to Advanced</s>* Kodi home -> Settings (gear icon top left) -> * choose the box that's labeled "Player" ->* choose "videos" ->  Skip Steps* select which goes into a screen where you can turn each yellow value into a white value to disable it leaving only a single time value enabled representing your preferred forward and reverse seek skip step amount. ===Remote Control Access / Web Interface===The webserver is disabled by default and has to be manually enabled by the user. This can be done in *Settings → Services → Control → Allow remote control via HTTP.  The settings allow to specify a custom port number and an optional username and password for HTTP's Basic Access Authentication. Furthermore a Web interface can be chosen which will be used when accessing the webserver without any specific path. * See: ===khloke/play-to-xbmc-chrome===* '''Play to Kodi''' is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to, while watching a video on Youtube from your PC in Chrome, send it directly to a KODI system on another device via IP.   Uses the webserver to receive URLs from another PC using Chrome browser.  So, for example, on a Linux desktop you have Chrome open and are viewing a Youtube video, you can use this extension to send the video directly to a remote Kodi device on your LAN and it will start playing the video. For Play to XBMC/Kodi to work, you'll first have to setup Kodi, then setup Play to Kodi with the correct IP address and port.  *'''The default port is 8080''' * See: ===Hotkeys and Keyboard controls===Kodi keyboard control defaults suck, this is one of the worst things about Kodi.  Pressing the ESCAPE key should exit the video player, but instead it brings up an overlay menu while the video continues to play, and then you're stuck in overlay.   Keyboard controls can be modified via a plugin.  See the Addons section below.  Install the GUI Add-on Keymap Editor. Once you've installed the Add-on Keymap Editor- to change the ESCAPE key behavior while watching a video do the following:#goto Programs -> Keymap Editor -> Edit -> Fullscreen video -> Playback -> STOP#The STOP command is default mapped to BACKSPACE.  change it to the ESCAPE key#Observe that for STOP it will not say ESCAPE but instead say 61467 - that's ok it means you were successful.#When you back out be sure to SAVE your keymap changes* OSMC* [[OSMC]]===Modify keymaps===Fix one of the most bastard things about Kodi, the stupid keymapping aka hotkeys.Customizing buttons through the GUI Add-on Keymap Editor: Users can customize keymap for remotes in GUI by using the community Keymap Editor add-on. ** Default Keymapping: to install if you're Internet connected* Settings -> Add-on browser -> Program add-ons -> Keymap Editor -> Install===Youtube: badRequest API key expired ===Youtube: badRequest API key expired. Please renew the API key[[File:kodi-youtube-badrequest-2.jpg]]Reason:  Google is getting more obnoxious.  Google owns youtube.  YouTube now requires an API key for personal use.  You are required to register with Google / Youtube to get your own identifiable API key.  The default API key has expired and no longer works, Some users have found changing the use preset API key set to a different value gets the add-on to work but will still have issues like “YouTube Daily Limit exceeded Your Quota will be reset at midnight.”To use the API Google wants you to sign up and give them your information so they can track you.  This allows you to create an API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret. they want you to goto and register or sign in with your existing Google account.  Privacy Violation!* [ reference]* [[OSMC]][[Category:Raspberry Pi]]