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Linux and Your USB Flash Drive

812 bytes added, 18:29, 13 November 2019
/* Partition and Format a USB Flash Drive */
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1. Determine the assignment of your flash drive<BR> fdisk -l|grep sd..In the absence of having a partition on the flash drive you will observe only the device assignment: NTFS or FAT32 is recommended due to its compatibility with Windows.2. Partition the flash drive<BR>3. Format the flash drive<BR>If you created only a single partition on the flash drive (recommended) then you can assume that will be partition #1 or in our example sdc1Format the flash drive with the file system type you prefer* FAT32 sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc1* NTFS sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc1* EXT4 sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1If you're a graphical user interface sorta fella then this is an easy way to get the job done.# GParted -> Device -> Create Partition Table# GParted -> Partition -> New# Choose Partition type xxxx#