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Arrays and Functions in VB6

549 bytes added, 21:16, 6 February 2008
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 == Byte Arrays ===== Convert String to ANSI Byte Array ===Use the StrConv function with "vbFromUnicode" to convert a Visual Basic string to a byte array of ANSI characters. Dim company As String Dim b() As Byte company = "CHILKAT SOFTWARE" b = StrConv(company,vbFromUnicode)=== Convert Byte Array to String ===Use the StrConv function with "vbUnicode" to convert a byte array of ANSI characters to a string. Dim s As String Dim b(1 To 3) As Byte b(1) = Asc("A") b(2) = Asc("B") b(3) = Asc("C") s = StrConv(b, vbUnicode)