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Remote File Copy from the Linux Command Prompt

539 bytes added, 22:06, 24 July 2020
/* SCP - Secure Copy Protocol */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
* scp: ambiguous target - error which often indicates white space has disrupted scp understanding the path.  If you have character 32 in a path,  THE TROUBLE WITH SPACESyou have to escape the characters by using double backslashes \\ and enclosing the entire path in quotes: * scp: ambiguous target - error which often indicates white space has disrupted scp understanding the path.  If you have character 32 in a path, you have to escape the characters by using double backslashes \\ and enclosing the entire path in quotes:When uploading, the local source path does not require double quotes and double backslashes.  The local path will follow the same rules a bash shell path follows. scp ~/.local/share/Metagaming\ B.V./Angeldust/player_name* nicolep@"/home/nicolep/.local/share/Metagaming\\ B.V./Angeldust/"Why scp works this way is beyond me, I just hope the devs have a good reason for it.SCP For Macintosh OSX:Need to transfer files between linux and Mac OSX?*see: [[Secure Shell - Secure Copy Available on OSX]]