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Data Sorting in VB6

169 bytes added, 16:02, 29 January 2008
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
# Bogosort{|# Bubble sort|-# Cocktail sort|# Bogosort# Comb sort|-# Selection sort|# Bubble sort# Insertion sort|# Very fast for lists that are almost sorted, slow sorting anything else.# Bucket sort|-# Counting sort|# Cocktail sort# Heapsort|-# Smoothsort|# Comb sort# Merge sort|-# Quicksort|# Selection sort# Binary tree sort|-# Pigeonhole sort|# Insertion sort# Radix sort|-# Shell sort|# Bucket sort|-|# Counting sort|-|# Heapsort|-|# Smoothsort|-|# Merge sort|-|# Quicksort|-|# Binary tree sort|-|# Pigeonhole sort|-|# Radix sort|-|# Shell sort|}=== quicksort ====== quicksort (and remove duplicates) ===