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Linux CIFS Utils and Samba

753 bytes added, 16:41, 10 April 2020
/* What are the differences between CIFS and SAMBA? */
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Irony and Confusion:Samba is a result of reverse engineering the proprietary SMB protocol created at IBM and adopted by Microsoft. CIFS (Common Internet File Share or System) is an offspring rebranded version of SMB protocol created by Microsoft and although Microsoft proposed it and marketed it as a standard it never made it.  Today, truthfully CIFS is not the network storage protocol used by Microsoft Windows, and many other clients. The protocol used to share files over a LAN by the majority of personal computers is called SMB.Then there is SMB2 which is not CIFS. Microsoft has released details about implementation that enables third party servers and clients. Now in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 there is the SMB3 (3.1) protocol.