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167 bytes added, 23:27, 26 June 2020
/* Youtube: badRequest API key expired */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
Reason:  Google is getting more obnoxious.  Google owns youtube.  YouTube now requires an API key for personal use.  The default API key has expired and no longer works, Some users have found changing the use preset API key set to a different value gets the add-on to work but will still have issues like “YouTube Daily Limit exceeded Your Quota will be reset at midnight.”Reason:  Google is getting more obnoxious.  Google owns youtube.  YouTube now requires an API key for personal use.  You are required to register with Google / Youtube to get your own identifiable API key.  The default API key has expired and no longer works, Some users have found changing the use preset API key set to a different value gets the add-on to work but will still have issues like “YouTube Daily Limit exceeded Your Quota will be reset at midnight.”  an API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret. they want you to goto  an API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret. they want you to goto and register or sign in with your existing Google account.  Privacy Violation!